Thursday, 10 April 2014

Elector UK Training

We are pleased to announce a Training date to be held in the UK on the benefits of chemical free heating fill water, on Friday 20th June 2014 Limited Places available 30 attendees
Hosted by: Daniel Schneider of Elector GmbH

Topics covered:

Means of water quality based heating system protection against damages caused by limescale and corrosion under consideration of common European guidelines

Heating system make-up water treatment

System water stabilisation by de-aeration and electrochemical methods under consideration of boundary conditions in older systems and systems with low temperature (heat-pumps)

Water quality control in heating systems - Theory and exercise

Q & A Sessions throughout the day

Start time: 9.30am coffee for a 10am start – Finish 4.30pm Lunch Provided


Vaillant Centre of Excellence
6 Alexander Grove,
Kings Hill
West Malling,
Kent, ME19 4GR

Please confirm your attendance by email to

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Ideal pH

The ideal pH for passivity of metals in heating systems

If layers have formed on the metals in the heating system and if they are stable the metal becomes passive to corrosion and oxygen attacks. Thus this process is called passivation or passivity of metals.
The picture shows the pH ranges for common metals in heating systems when these react with passivation or corrosion.
The pH for aluminium is said to be 4-9 but it is better to create a buffer, most common is a limitation of 8.5.

The pH-range of 8.2 to 8.5 in heating systems in the presence of aluminium is only a compromise. As you can see the stability of iron starts at a pH of 9.