MCS, Why?
What is going on with this industry and why do we always
seem to accept been walked over and ripped off.
MCS was set up to
have regulation and control over the renewable industry for Government grant
applications and rightly so, we were told we had to be MCS accredited to be
able to offer our customers the grants, well there are no bloody grants and the
RHI has been delayed by another year and will not commence until summer 2013, that’s
if it actually even starts then, but in the meantime MCS accredited installers
are still paying out each year for their MCS and as time goes by they may have
to re-take the courses for the technologies they cover as these only have a
lifespan of 5 years, which costs money, now I for one as I am sure all other
installers joined MCS to increase business opportunities and increase profits,
but with the lack of grants means lack of take up of renewables by the public,
which means loss of earnings for installers, in fact it is costing installers
money as they have to pay annually for MCS membership, I think it is time we
called for a suspension of the cost of MCS to installers until such time as
there are grants available, why should we be paying for membership of a scheme where there is no work available due
to lack of the grants for which the scheme was set up to provide, the
Government keep on delaying the RHI but they seem to think it acceptable that
installers continue to pay for the scheme that does not exist, it really is
time this industry pulled together and started to say NO to been ripped off, we
are looked on as some sort of cash cow, well its time it stopped